A new year is coming. Time for some changes. Hopefully, starting tonight.
(More ...)
One guy's quest to make ends meet.
Your latest batch of commercials suck. They suck hard. Worse than that new Keystone Light commercial that sucks.
You turn Santa Claus from a lovable, jolly guy into a douchebag. Way to kill the dreams of all the children in the world. "Yes she is!" What a choad!
And the Lost parody one, that one sucks so many ways, we have to come up with a new word to describe how hard it sucks. I can't fathom that much suck, so let's just say it sucks really, really hard.
First, you have someone devise a computer-like device to gain internet access. An amazing feat on a remote island. One survivor howls in excitement that they have a connection. Now they can call for he... Wait, what is ass-face doing? Why, he's using this opportunity to secure a credit card that he will use on A DESERTED ISLAND! Then, to everyone's amazement, he continues applying for a credit card instead of contacting help. I don't even want to know how he had access to a photo of himself from who knows how long ago.
And this photo and the event it leads to creates all sorts of ass-sucking suckiness. The photo is of ass-clown with a huge cheeseburger. One of the starving, delirious, BEEN STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG survivors sees a cheeseburger and lunges forward. This breaks the make-shift monitor.
I hope the alternate version of this commercial shows the non-asshole survivors forcing ass-face to repair the computer and connection, then bash his skull in and cook him over an open fire.
Yeah, this is what happens when I have too much free time.
There are new commercials out now from Keystone Light beer. The idea behind the commercials is that some guys aren't smooth, especially around women. No shocker there. I resemble that remark.
The commercial I don't like shows the girlfriend running into the guy at the store. She thought he was taking care of Grandma. He is, while he's at the store with a case of beer in his hand. Then one by one, the rest of the gang shows up with chips, more beer, etc.
Never mind the beer (or lack thereof), what kind of moron ditches a chance to be with the hot woman to hang with the guys?
Watch the commercial here (it's the second one, with the blond cutie).
MSU has a new football coach. Dan Mullen, the former offensive coordinator for the Florida Gators. You know, the same Florida team that beat down Alabama. The same team that is going to battle for the championship. He might not be the guy responsible for all that, but he's the co-guy.
He's been coaching with Urban Meyer for his entire career. They go way back. Well, as way back as you can go for a 36 year old. Yeah, he's only a few years older than me. Odd.
By all accounts, he's a good one. Will he have MSU winning right off the bat? Probably not, but he's not going to coast along for a few years then decide to start working.
Along the same lines, MSU's new Athletic Director is a breath of fresh air. He's also 36 (I believe) and a real personable guy. I have a chance to meet and talk with him a number of times over the years. It's unreal what he's gotten accomplished in the few months he's been in charge.
Man, I can't wait for football season.
Finally. A work week from Hades is over. It was one that was sad and painful. More cuts had to be made. Some hard ones to take. I hate to sound like this, but considering the amount of work I've got ahead of me, I really wasn't paying much attention to it. It sucks, no doubt. Hopefully things can start picking up here soon.
Tonight starts the high school championship games. Weir would be playing today, if not for stumbling to Stringer in the first round. Crap.
Meridian and South Panola play for the 5A title. That should be a good game. I wish I could go. That is, I wish I knew someone at work had put my name down as one that is allowed in at no cost.
I've been trying to get caught up on my TV watching. It's taken a while, but I'm getting closer. Still can't find episode 2 of CSI: anywhere.
Also been trying to keep up with my blogging buddies. I noticed just before I started this post that Pink has finally posted something. Yay! My life has meaning aGAIN.
That's all for now. Exciting stuff, huh?
So yesterday, I let out some frustrations that it was time to let Croom go and find someone new to coach at State. I was kinda resigned to the fact that he would be back for another year. Then the news today that Croom resigned came.
Wow. That's all I can say is wow. I did not see this coming. I'm glad, though. It was obvious that he couldn't get the job done. Now let's see who AD Greg Byrne goes after. I won't get into rumored names or anything, but I'm confident that he will get a good coach.
It's Egg Bowl week. What does that mean? It means one of two things: 1) Mississippi fans having 51 weeks of bragging rights or 2) Mississippi fans not acknowledging you if you bring up the game their team just lost.
So let's jump into some of my Egg Bowl moments.
The first one in Oxford (1992), we get in the stadium and head to our section. As we walk up the aisle, we can't find the row number on any of the rows. We ask a guy sitting near us how he could tell he was on the right row and he said he had to count from the bottom up because none of them are labeled. On our way up the section, I lean over to tie my shoe and find the row numbers. They are on the steps. The steps are painted red. The numbers are painted red.
I have no idea what this is, but there are a lot of people here at Malco. Mostly teens. Makes you feel old. And by 'you', I mean 'me'.
(stupid cell phone)
Virgin is considering possible three-way deal between itself, BMI and Luftansa. Virgin could get local flights in the U.K. and also form an alliance with Luftansa for international flights.
My sister got her dog a bee costume. I snatched a couple of the pictures.
Someone doesn't like wearing costumes. :(
This is her usual sitting position on the deck.
This weekend was homecoming at MSU. That meant football mostly. Except this year, I decided to go back in time and visit the old fraternity chapter. Homecoming weekend is the big alumni event: Pig Pickin'. Smoked pig, fixin's, drinks, good times.
Everyone is blaming the late kickoff for the lower attendance. I think it had a part to play in it. They split the day in two, a lunch gathering and then the main event after the game. I got there that afternoon for at least a sammich before heading on campus. Found out that one alumni couple from before I joined had been there. Got to talk with some of the current members. Then the game and back for round two.
I kept thinking to myself, 'self, is there going to anyone there you know'? Then I told myself to shut up.
Well, turns out there wasn't anyone there I knew. The members I met earlier don't really count. But still, a good time was had. Got to chat with some members and pledges. Even did a little educating on the past. (no tales of uphill snow-walking though)
And did I mention the food? You can't beat pulled pork. The bonfire was nice and toasty on a cool night.
I had missed the last few, probably because I thought us old farts didn't need to show up. Then I realized last night, that this event was made specifically for us old farts. Next year, I'm going again. I'll even try to convince a few more old farts to go.
State's homecoming is tomorr^H^H actually, later today. Honestly, it doesn't mean much to me. A (supposedly) easy football win and another chance to head back to campus.
There's also the fraternity's alumni cookout. Sadly, the past couple of years, I skipped out on it. Not this year. I plan on being there, no matter how late it is. (stupid 6:00 kickoff time)
Pig Pickin'. That's the name of it the event. The fraternity is Theta Tau, an engineering fraternity, so don't go thinking I could ever get into one of those social frats. A group of wanna-be engineers getting together to cook a pig and build a bonfire. Good times, man. Good times.
This year is the 20th Pig Pickin'. My first one was in '94. Excuse me while I whimper about how long ago that was. You deserve the story of Pig Pickin'.
It started as a homecoming party for alums. How did it get its name? Simple. The crew back in '88 said "let's find a field, smoke a pig and build a bonfire". Voila. Done, done and done. I think they hired someone to cater the pig cooking, but it was pure and simple: one pig, giant grill for smoking, pick off what you want.
Over the years, the formula remained the same. Someone came and cooked the pig, we built a bonfire and stayed out in the outskirts of town until ... whenever.
(except for that one dark year when it was catered; bad times, bad times)
Towards the end of my career at State, the venue changed but the formula remained the same. Smoke a pig (at times, in a homemade pit), construct a massive bonfire and have a good time. Lately, a band has been incorporated. That's cool. We tried it one year I was there, but they weren't too keen on playing outdoors.
I'm going to this year's Pig Pickin'. I don't think I'll be the oldest alum there. At least, I hope not. I've seen announcements on Facebook that some folks I was in school with are going.
If only I was able to camp out there.
Tina Fey or Gov. Sarah Palin?
(link goes to short article with picture below; click the link at your own risk; there is also a picture of Rosie on the page
I vote Tina, but wouldn't veto Gov. Palin.
It's a commercial for Guinness beer. Not sure what country(-ies) it aired in, but rest assured, it wasn't aired in America.
Click to watch
Still don't know what it smells like because nearly each trip back from a game this season, we've encountered dead skunks.
Such is the life of an MState fan.
I've been undecided - well, actually more like pissed off - when it comes to the Presidential election process. But I think I've found the candidate I can believe in.
I like getting chances to get away for a while with peeps. I don't like when most of the peeps can't or don't join in.
For the ones of you that may be wondering why I haven't done any football picks lately, it's because football is dead to me. It will be even deader once Vanderbilt has its way next weekend. At least I have Weir to fall back, oh that's right, they've been struggling a bit lately. Yeah, they've won their last two, but a big game this coming Friday could mean playoffs or no playoffs. And playoffs without Weir is like this blog with readers. (bizarro)
Finally got some TV watching done. The Office rules, which is a known fact. My Name Is Earl still produces some moments.
Heroes. 'Nuff said.
SVU came out of the gate swinging. I would go to Munch's bar. The new ADA needs to let her hair down. Mariska Hargitay is still hot.
Haven't watched the CBS dramas yet, so I don't know who blowed up on Criminal Minds, how Mac escaped or what the heck is happening in Vegas.
The state fair is in town. And I haven't been yet.
I wish I could golf more often.
There's going to be a Wings Stop downtown, not too far from work. If they are open late, like the one in Ridgeland, I might say screw it and forget brown bagging it and spend what little money I have.
I'll skip the "why I'm still single" rant.
Back to your lives.
Posted by
5:04 PM
Labels: Criminal Minds, CSI:, CSI:NY, food, golf, Heroes, Law And Order: SVU, Mariska Hargitay, Mississippi State football, money, My Name is Earl, The Office, Weir football
I've been tagged!
Grab the nearest book.
Open the book to page 56.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the text of the next two to five sentences in your blog along with these instructions.
Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
Tag five other people to do the same.
Since I don't know of five people that accidentally click to my blog, consider this a free-for-all. And to read my entry ...
"Dead Solid Perfect", page 56, 5th-7th sentence:
It was huge and it hung out above the beach and the ocean. Off our balcony we could look down on all kinds of skin. Whoever said the French didn't have any tits must not have been to Biarritz.
And I've only gotten to watch the premiere of Heroes. I blame work for this, since all attempts at having a life have failed thus far.
Thankfully, the DVR is holding up ... for now.
Now to continue on this life thing.
I'm really not sure I want to even post these here. I sure as heck don't want to use them.
(unless you ladies think some will work and if so, consider it used) ;)
I'm categorizing them according to my just-made-up category system:
Somewhat harmless (aka 'Aw, how sweet. Look at you flirting for the first time.')
So here I am. What were your other two wishes?
You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.
There must be a lightswitch on my forehead because everytime I see you, you turn me on!
Hey there... care to introduce yourself?
I know what caused global warming. You!
You're so sweet that you make my teeth hurt!
You look so sweet in that photo. Can I have a sample?
Huh? (aka, 'Huh?')
Bom Chika Wah Wah...
Ew (aka 'Just you and your hand tonight.')
I may not go down in history, but I'll go down on you.
I'm going outside to make out... care to join me?
Another late night at work. Why am I even here? Oh yeah, here's why:
Some sort of debate.
High school football, now available mobile-ly(?) at m.clarionledger.com.
At least there's pizza. If not, life would totally suck.
Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply.
If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So - if you give her any crap, you will receive a ton of ......!
Love and appreciate all the women in your life.
Awesome. Just finished 18 a while ago. 2 pars, which I'll take any day. A couple of other chances, b
(editor: don't know why my phone crapped out here, but it did)
I think I was going to say, "but someday I'll get there" and then said something about getting food at Hoot^H^H^H a restaurant.
Oh, and hopefully pics will come some time in a couple of days, or this week, or this month, or this year, or ...
And the stadium is 1/4 full. ACC football. Feel the excitement. Though the view is nice.
(hope to post pictures when I get home)
and a neck massage? I think I found a new place to get a hair cut.
The start of my manternity leave wasn't perfect. The Guy Fieri cooking demonstration was packed beyond belief. They had to turn people away. So instead it was free food and A/C in the Eagle's Nest. Then a few errands such as oil change and a hair cut.
Free neck massage for first-time customers. Nice.
Now to start getting ready to leave town. Yeah, I'm a procrastinator.
1.5 more days. Wait, you're thinking, what is 'manternity leave'?
A buddy of mine coined the phrase when he took a few days from work and took a trip to St. Louis. He's a Cardinals fan, so that was his reasoning for his leave.
This weekend, MSU plays at Georgia Tech. GT is in Atlanta. I have a number of friends in Atlanta, so I thought this would be perfect for my 'manternity leave'. I've got my vacation form filled out. This Thursday begins my leave.
First, it will be the Viking Golf Classic. I've got passes to one of the club areas. Plus, Thursday is when the big name chefs will be there. (side note: still have an extra pass)
Friday, heading out to Hotlanta. There are a couple of MSU-related events this weekend. First, the Braves are in town and the local MSU alumni chapter has a special deal for the Friday night game. Also, the Falcons are playing Sunday, same type of deal for that game. May try the Braves game at least, not sure about the Falcons game.
Monday, on the way back, I'm picking one of the recommended golf courses a co-worker gave me and giving it a try. I haven't played a round in a long time. What a way to shake the rust off by visiting a new, nice course and reeking havoc.
Now I wished time would fly for me.
If you have a cell phone, congratulations, you're a human being. If your cell phone has web capabilities, then you make more money than I do.
The big thing I've been working on lately is the paper's mobile site. If you have web capabilities, check out m.clarionledger.com some time.
I don't know what sort of features we'll be rolling out, but some things could be awesome. Well, if I have my way, the awesomeness will make your head explode. Kinda like this:
Stay tuned.
First, let's get the skull-f^H^H^Heasy games out of the way. Tennessee, Alabama, Ole Miss and LSU win easily.
Middle Tennessee at Kentucky
The only reason I list this game here, is because it might not be that easy for Kensucky. Then again, I though Louisville would beat them.
Future MSU opponent - 17
Future MSU opponent - 21
Rice at Vanderbilt
If ever a time we needed Vandy to not be Vandy ...
Grain - 14
Brain - 24
Arkansas at Texas
Winner: Ike.
Georgia at South Carolina
This was supposed to be a big showdown, but since the AKC lost to Vandy, this one got a little less interesting. Still, don't count out the AKC.
Counting the yards Moreno gains - 38
Watching Moreno gain those yards - 27
Auburn at Mississippi State
The Blog came up with this interesting stat:
Statistical oddity: Here’s a statistical oddity that bodes well for State, which beat Auburn 19-14 last year: Teams haven’t flip-flopped wins and losses in back-to-back years since 1961-63.
Since that time, Auburn had winning streaks of 11, 2, 9, 4 and 6. State had three winning streaks of 2 and one of four.
Posted by
10:54 AM
Labels: Mississippi State football, SEC football, Weir football
I has two passes to the Viking Classic golf tournament. Let me correct myself, VIP passes.
Now if I just had someone to give that other pass to ...
Weir plays Edinburg tonight. It's at Weir. For those keeping score at home, that means victory.
Weir - 36
Edinburg - 7
One SEC game tonight. South Carolina at Vanderbilt. I want to pick Vandy for the upset, but I just can't.
AKC - 24
Vandy - 21
Every other SEC team wins their games this weekend. I hope.
Posted by
6:30 PM
Labels: Mississippi State football, SEC football, Weir football
I'm blaming the change in weather for the way I'm feeling now. Stupid sinuses. Stupid Gustav. Stupid everything.
If only I had a hot babe with a huge ... uh, heart, to take care of me.
The first games have kicked off, the 2 Daves^H^H^HOne Dave is back, Weir kicks off Friday night and all is right with the world. Well, almost. I'm still at work. Shi^H^H^HDarn. (family show)
And since an SEC game has kicked off, let's get a quick prognostication out of the way now.
NC State at South Carolina
The score was 0-0 early in the first before I started this, so it still counts.
NCS - 17
AKC - 28
Vandy at Miami (OH)
This would be as bad as MSU traveling to Ruston, but it's Vandy. No one really cares.
Smrat - 21
MAC-tastic - 24
Hawaii at Florida
Paradise - 14
Jorts paradise - 56
Georgia Southern at Georgia
Ouch x2.
Fodder - 7
Hunker - 59
Appy State at LSU
Ou^H^H^H ... Well ... Nah.
It was Michigan - 14
Not Michigan - 49
Western Illinois at sasnakrA
Scrimmagee - 7
Scrimmager - 38
Tennessee at UCLA
Skippy vs. Phat Phil. This could be epic. Or not.
Rotund - 38
Pretty - 24
Alabama at Clemson
This could be a real good game.
Houndstooth - 21
Howard's Rock - 34
Kentucky at Louisville
UK is missing half of last year's team. Not good.
Basketball - 24
Basketball - 28
LA-Monroe at Auburn
LA-M shocked Bama last year. Keyword: Bama.
Way to go - 10
Not Bama x6 - 49
Memphis at Ole Miss
Ah, the beginning of the Houston Nutt/Jeaven Snead era. Championships galore!
Tiger High - 17
Oxford High - 18
Miss. State at Louisiana Tech
Nope, not a typo. Traveling to Ruston. I'll be there. Oh boy.
Thanks LT - 24
LT - 10
Weir at South Leake
The road to Jackson begins in ... in ... wherever this is in Leake County.
Mighty Lions - 47
Somethings - 15
Posted by
7:36 PM
Labels: Mississippi State football, SEC football, Weir football
Now I can look forward to football season. The impending trip to Ruston just wasn't doing it. Previews and prognostications to come later.
So if you look at today's (8/23) Clarion-Ledger, you will see box scores for a majority of the academy games from Friday night. I'll wait while you go get the paper.
Good, you're back. The biggest obstacle is out of the way. Well, mostly. The print part of it is almost complete. Still a few tweaks here and there, but the heavy laboring is done.
Now on to the web version. This coming week will see more work put into that. You might notice a couple of changes now. There will be more to come.
(edit: Thursday 8/21 was Micro D-Day; tonight 8/22 is Mini D-Day; next Friday is kill all humans day)
Tonight's the first night of high school football. Well, sort of. The academies start play this week. Real high school football starts next week.
Regardless, the new stats system goes into effect tonight. All the coding I've done for the past few months will be put to the test.
Serenity now.
No, not as in 'no cost'. As in 'help her escape from the smelly trunk of Rainn Wilson'. Check out the links below for all the details:
Rainn got her MySpace login and posted this
Free Jenna Now! (start here and work your way back)
Do your part to help free Jenna. Look at this face:
Is that not the face of someone you want to save?
"News" is out now that JLH has a new, slimmer look. I'm conflicted on this. Last year, she spoke out on being criticized for her bikini pictures. Now, she's touting a new look.
Either way, I'm still in love (heh). Though I will admit, I prefer the before picture ...
... minus the douchebag holding her hand. That should be me.
Why not get a football post out of the way now?
Finally got the new NCAA '09 game last week. If it's any indication, then MSU is in for a rough few years and last season was a fluke. In reality, I don't think this coming season will be that bad. I'd like to think another winning season and bowl game is forthcoming, but we MSU fans have thought that a number of times before only to have our hopes and dreams smashed.
The Mighty Weir Lions prepare for year 2 in the south state division. Last season saw a run through the playoffs stopped short of Jackson by defending champ Puckett. Then Puckett goes and lays an egg in Jackson to Ray Brooks? Good gosh.
This coming season will be interesting for me. Both of my teams have expectations. MSU has to prove last year wasn't a fluke and Weir has to do what Weir expects to do, win the state championship.
In the words of a football legend: Let's rock.
And by 'love', I mean 'hate so much that I want to punch kittens'.
This super project I've been working on for the past couple of months is coming up in a short time. I would have said that I was 97% complete. The guy that could finish the remaining 3% has been on vacation.
Then I decide, for some crazy reason, to test my work again. Why would I want to test something that is for all intents and purposes finished?
If I hadn't have tested my stuff when I did, I wouldn't have noticed that the vendor had changed the output format without any notice. That means my code didn't work as well. I went from 97% to about 75% like that.
Thank God I get paid overtime.
Or something like that. There were layoffs today. Some folks with many years of work put in. It was an eerie day today.
1. Thank God it's pay day. It felt like I was in college all over again.
2. It's been almost a week and The Dark Knight and The Joker are still ruling my world.
3. Stupid cable hookup in my room came loose on us earlier this week, which knocked out the cable box, which caused my shows not to be recorded. I need my fill of Colbert!
4. Speaking of shows, I happened to notice the Heroes countdown is back up and running. YATA!
5. So I was invited to a dinner part last night. It was a semi-Bulldog Club affair. It was a little different in that it was hosted at someone's house instead of a conference room somewhere. A friend mentioned that the hostess works with me. All I have to say is damn. I might, just might be able to afford a corner in one of the smaller rooms of their house.
Still, it was a nice event. Got to talk to AD Greg Byrne again. My buddy was able to get "in" with Byrne back when he was first hired at MSU. Now that he's AD and still making small talk with us, awesome.
And folks should be proud to know that I did not do a cannonball into the pool.
6. The "media room" as the hostess calls it gets its own spot. I call it the "man room". That's what I hope heaven is like.
7. It's August, which means the football season is quickly approaching. I can't wait. I'm going bold this season and traveling to all but one road game with my road warrior buddy. First stop: Ruston, La?
8. I mentioned in my last work rambling post that I was working on a project that should it function properly, I was going to shout it loud to the world. Well, last time I tested it, it was awful close.
9. Did I mention that I'm glad today is payday? NCAA Football 2009, here I come.
10. And it wouldn't be a true blog post without a little personal whining, right? That's what blogs are for. When no one else will listen to you, post it here for no one else to see. Ok, here goes: being single sucks.
11. Just so I won't end on a downer, I'm thinking Keifer's downtown for lunch. Curly fries FTW!
Posted by
10:25 AM
Labels: food, Heroes, Mississippi State football, The Colbert Report, underpaid, work
Mine seemed to last two weeks. And the fun part is, it ain't ending anytime soon. The main culprit: work (of course). A whole crap-load of stuff seemed to be dumped down on me at one time.
We have a new co-worker. She's been with us for a little over a month now. It's a daunting task to come in brand new and learn the process we have to do our job. To start her off, they had her working with my other co-worker on a pretty big project. Then it was my turn. The past week or so, I've been kinda training-by-fire, since we had a number of projects come down at one time.
Like I said, it's quite a task for a newbie, but things worked out just fine. The thought process is a bit more difficult than the actual coding, but it does come around after some repetition.
Speaking of, check out the pages here and here. She did most of the setup on the first one, the other one is from a little while back.
And there are more to come. Including one doozy that I'll be trumpeting my praises for once it comes out and works. (note the confidence, yet why do I feel doomed?)
Been needing to get off my lazy duff and finish cleaning up around the house. Still have items spread out all over after all the floor-laying, repainting, general house work lately. I think the parents are coming down here next weekend, so that should light a fire under my arse.
Ever been so broke you rejoiced like never before on days when you were fed by others? The awesome MississippiMoms.com Mom Squad had their monthly meeting today. That means leftovers. Today was Chik-fil-A and there were leftovers a'plenty. Woohoo! That's one less meal to pay for and/or prepare.
Yeah, almost that broke. Though I am in decent enough shape until payday next week. That just means that I have to wait to see The Dark Knight and buy the new NCAA '09 video game.
Click here for more info about waiting.
It's simple. If you want to make a mess in the kitchen and make so-so food, just come watch me in action. Ok, I'll admit that the chicken tenders aren't perfect, but so far, I haven't died. So that has to coua vmjlskrdv c
Did it work? Did you think I might have croaked? No. Yeah, that was lame.
Anyway, the cooking spree shall go on. Today, chicken tenders. Tomorrow ... something. Maybe. I do know one of my next attempts though: pie crust. Then, Butterfinger Pie.
Next weekend, it'll be attempt #2 on the Good Eats rib recipe. Ooh, I need to make more deer jerky as well. You know, I haven't tried my attempt at potato salad yet. Then there's the wild idea of trying to make slaw.
Excuse me. I have some shows to watch.
Goofing off online just now, I came across a few links from news stories around the world. Enjoy.
Pimp My Ride: Iraq (video of muscle cars in Iraq
In Britain, kids who dislike spicy food are labeled racist.
Today class, we're going to learn about the Muslim faith. Now bow down and pray to Allah. You don't want to? Then off to detention for you.
And finally, the BBC with this bit of news. Great tits cope well with warming.
My grandmother's puppy, the one my sister and I puppy-sat for a while, ran in the highway last week. I'm going to miss the boy. At least I got to play with him for a while earlier last week.
If I can only get these pictures and video off of my cell phone, I'd get them posted.
Thank you for booking ZZ Top. My ears are still ringing, and that's a good thing. Wonder what sort of shape they'll be in for Saturday's lineup.
some idiot decided it would be a good idea to start a blog. Only problem was, there's nothing interesting enough for this fool to blog about.
Well, one year later and it still holds true. Nothing worth posting.
Can't wait for the next year.
One of my earliest posts here was about Mississippi States baseball team. This time last year, they were on a tear in the post-season. A Super Regional was held in Starkville for the first time since the current format started. I was part of a momentous crowd that saw the Diamond Dawgs clinch a berth to the College World Series. It was good times. Good times.
Unfortunately, the recent season was not so good (and thankfully over). The team fell apart, thanks to injuries and - according to baseball friends of mine - bad coaching. Mostly a culmination of years of bad coaching decisions, according to them.
Midway through the season, coach Ron Polk decided to resign (again), effect at the end of the season. This was the chance for MSU to make a splash and change their fortunes on the diamond. Only thing was, Polk wanted to name his assistant Tommy Raffo to the head coaching job.
Let's go back earlier in the year for a minute. Then-president Doc Fogelsong promoted Greg Byrne to Athletic Director, effective June 30. Then not long after that, ol' Doc up and left his presidency. An interim, Vance Watson, was named. One of Dr. Watson's first moves was to approve the AD promotion.
Now back to Polk's resignation. He assumed the administration would do as he says. Not so fast, said Dr. Watson. Watson says that Byrne will be in charge of hiring the new baseball coach, not out-going AD Larry Templeton. Score one for the good guys, thought a number of State fans.
Needless to say, Polk wasn't happy. The season played out and every chance he got, Polk would harp that MSU must do what he said and hire Raffo. When the season ended, the search ramped up. Byrne was a one-man searching crew. Word started spreading of some of the names he had talked to. Big names in college baseball.
The winning candidate: John Cohen, former Diamond Dawg and head man at Kentucky, where he had built an impressive resume. This made a number of Diamond Dawg fans ecstatic. Well, all but one.
Ron Polk is throwing a tantrum because they didn't do as he said. I hate to see this. I grew up on the '84 and '85 baseball teams. My tenth birthday present was a trip to Dudy Noble Field for a baseball game in 1985. Greatest gift ever. I remember when Polk first retired. It was kinda sad but the appointed head coach (Pat McMahon, chosen by Polk) was someone the fan base wanted. Then McMahon left for another position some years later. Well, MSU can go hire a top-notch head coach from anywhere in the country. Instead, Templeton brings Polk back. This wasn't such a popular decision, even though everyone loved Polk. Now, it's deja vu all over again. Except this time, the AD is doing it the right way.
I admit I'm not as much of a baseball fan as football or basketball, but I do know MSU's baseball history and what it has been, what it became recently and what it can become once again. I think Cohen will do just that. MSU baseball is very much on its way back to where we belong, and maybe even better.
"It feels good to have something to feel good about."
but not this bad.
Office Worker Goes Absolutely Insane - Watch more free videos
This one has sound. It's from another country. I'm guessing they are speaking Spanish.
Office Worker Meltdown Second Angle - Watch more free videos
About to cause a lot of shaking.
After-show edit: Still an awesome live show. Had not gotten their latest album until tonight, but from what I heard earlier tonight, it's just as good as the rest. They had a poster on display with some critic reviews. Each review deemed the album as top-notch.
And no JG, I still say they are not a "jam band".
A bit more challenging than initially thought.
Ever since watching the ribs episode of Good Eats, I wanted to try and cook ribs just like Alton.
Well, I gathered almost all the necessary ingredients over the weekend (minus one of the +1 parts of the dry rub) and gave it a shot Monday. I discovered that it's best to be completely prepared before starting. To the bullet points!
- I ran out of Worcestershire sauce making deer jerky (more on that in a moment) so I found a recipe online on how to make a decent substitute using ingredients I already had. It was close.
- Baking equipment. I need better stuff. Got too messy dealing with the braising liquid while adding it to the ribs and afterwards trying to make the glaze.
- The oven temp was in flux. Not horribly, but at times would get too hot. Too much heat is not good. And since the temp was in flux, I allowed some extra time for cooking.
Final verdict: fair to decent ribs. Not great, maybe not even good by some folks' standards, but I ate about half a rack and am still standing today.
Now I know what I need to use and need to do for next time. Oh yes, there will be a next time.
And speaking of that deer jerky. Again, I tried Alton's setup. Had all the necessary ingredients. Let it marinate for the appropriate time. Before dehydration, the meat was good and tasty. As for the dehydration? Well, I tried to replicate Alton's method. Only thing was, I don't have a box fan. So I figured the biggest fan we got on high could come close. Yes, I used air filters just as he did. I let it sit in the garage most of the evening and overnight. Just tried a piece and it is good.
Now on to my next Good Eats attempt. This one isn't as ambitious. In fact, it should be quite simple: croûtons.
Memorial day is a day known for ... cooking out. This day though, I'm not firing up the grill. Nope, I'm trying a recipe for ribs that involves slow cooking in the oven.
Where am I getting this from? Why the culinary expert, Alton Brown.
I'm also going to try to make deer jerky, also by Alton's methods. This should be fun.
Time to kick back, relax and ... do nothing. Well, I might try a couple of rib recipes. Mmmmm, ribs.
Happy Memorial Day, and all that.
I knew I should have checked myself out, but no, I wanted to go to the available teller because I had some produce. The last time I did the self-checkout with produce, I had to get a teller to help me because the produce was not listed in the system. Now this time, I lose $3 trying to make things easier on me.
You see, Kroger had a special on utensils and equipment. Buy two, get one free. Sweet, because there were a couple of items I was wanting to get. So I pick the three items. $2.19, $2.79 and $5.19. Well, guess which one got scanned second. That's right, the $5.19 item. And guess which one was scanned third, therefore free. Yep, $2.19.
At least the coupons balanced it out.
Ok, if you haven't watched CSI: yet, DO NOT CLICK THE READ MORE LINK!
Quick mention of the others:
- Criminal Minds was ok. Next week's finale looks interesting.
- CSI:NY brought an end to the 'Cabbie Killer' storyline. Some suspense, a couple of twists.
- SVU made sure just about everyone of the characters were knocked down a notch. Or in one case, knocked off completely.
Now for the shocking episode of CSI:. I don't know where to begin. All the previews showed them revisiting Warrick's trouble with the mob guy. There was a known (to viewers) mole in the department. Warrick was haunted by this.
A dead man they investigate turns out to be connected. Then to really make things interesting, Warrick is found holding the gun that killed the mob guy. Only he doesn't know what happened.
Turns out, he was framed. Hey, I said don't read on if you haven't seen it yet. They finger the mole cop, but haven't caught him yet. Warrick's free and a few questions are answered and things seem to be resolved. Until the under-sheriff walks up to Warrick and shoots him in the head, twice.
Yeah, they killed off Warrick. Why? Well, could be for two reasons. One it leaves a huge storyline to build on for next season. Two, turns out Gary Dourdin (you know, the actor that plays Warrick) was going to leave the show anyway because of contract negotiations. Oh, add on that he was busted on drug charges not long after this, and it was pretty much a given.
I'm glad I hadn't heard about that until now. I just got curious and searched the web for CSI: chatter and found those stories. All I can say is wow.
Well, that just about does it for these shows until the fall. A couple more finales coming, then it's a long, long wait until new episodes.
Not to mention the long, long wait until new Heroes. But that's for another blog entry.
I say 'watching' because the DVR is paused right now. Why is it paused and I'm posting on my blog? I'll tell you why.
Because the first 43 minutes of this episode have absolutely rocked my pants off. Well, that's not accurate, because I'm not wearing pants. Settle down ladies, I am wearing shorts. So technically, it rocked my shorts off. Again, settle down.
I'm assuming you've seen it by now. So here goes. Since the episode revolves around Toby leaving, I was expecting a whole storyline involving Toby revealing how he feels about Pam and the resulting fallout. It is being setup perfectly because Jim announced he's going to propose to Pam. Then a nice little curve was thrown in with Pam saying she thinks Toby is cute. Oh happy day, let this happen and let it be awesome.
Again, notice above, I mention the first 43 minutes. Well, the 44th minute, oh sweet manna from heaven. The Office just leaped all other shows in the history of ever to take over the #1 spot.
Alright, enough of this. I need to fix me another drink and prepare myself for the ending of this awesome episode.
I am a good son. My sister and I went home for Mother's Day. Well, also to carry some things home, but mostly for Mother's Day. I even got to give my mom and grandmother my gift. A new picture of me. Not just any picture, a professional portrait done by Olan Mills (done for our church photo directory recently). Fancy frames and all. Considering that the only other good picture of me my grandmother has is from high school, I'd say this is a good thing. Besides, they both loved them. The cool thing is, my dad knew I was doing this and didn't tell her.
So that means I'm good for doing nothing for a while now, right? Right?
I've got my four shows that are must-see TV: Law & Order:SVU, Criminal Minds, CSI:NY, CSI:. After watching this week's episodes, I have rated them thusly.
Criminal Minds: Typical episode for them. A slight tweak with the team split on two different cases. Nothing really out of the ordinary with either case. A nice surprise at the end to lead to future storylines.
CSI: Guest stars out the wazoo. Katey Sagal, who I will admit is still looking good, as the sitcom star found murdered. Tons of corny jokes throughout the episode. A few appeared to be inside jokes. The revelation of the suspect and cause for death was kinda weak, but the slight twist involving others was nice.
SVU: Crazy ordeal after finding a woman murdered. The fiance' was the prime suspect, then the guy's father, then both. And in true SVU fashion, a nice twist to reveal the real killer and a revelation that the killer was under their noses the whole time. Almost got away with it, too. And the ending, wow.
CSI:NY: The running storyline of the killer cabbie has been intriguing. Last week's episode hinted at a member of the crew being the next victim. Turns out, that was a swerve. Sort of. Now it's even more personal. Next week's episode looks like it will rock.
Speaking of next week, SVU looks to pull out all the punches. Corruption, cover-up and more. CSI:NY, already mentioned how awesome it looks to be. CSI: revisits Warrick's recent indiscretion with a stripper and the club owner that nearly ruined his life. Looks like some ruining is coming back.
Thank you for the money. Now I can do all the things on my 'want to do' list.
- play golf
- buy that pizza stone and other kitchen stuff
- add on the stadium seat and parking pass (maybe) to my MSU football ticket order
- feel better about making the road trip to lovely Ruston, LA
- go see North Mississippi Allstars *and* Jubilee JAM!
- set aside the majority of this stimulus package in a CD or other account so it can make more money
Also, I wonder if 'large stimulus package' is a good pick-up line?
Posted by
12:49 PM
Labels: golf, Jubilee JAM, Mississippi State football, money, North Mississippi Allstars
I got nothing against people who don't want to harm animals. I wouldn't label myself that way, but I'm also not going to purposely run down a critter if it's in or near the road. Tonight, I saw a weird conundrum involving vehicle and critter.
As I was making my way home tonight, I come upon a vehicle stopped in the road. There was at least one vehicle in front of it, with their blinkers on. Engine die? Flat tire? What?
They either hit a raccoon just enough to maim it or came upon the already injured raccoon. Will never know what exactly happened, but apparently this person was trying to get the raccoon out of the road. I guess they figured that would help it.
Well, they didn't succeed. They got the raccoon over to the other lane at least, I guess so they could get in their vehicle and get out of the road. There were a few other cars behind me at this point.
As the now convoy started to move, I noticed that it was indeed an animal that they were trying to move. I also saw it twitching around, which was very, very bad. There was another instance a month or so ago where I saw a similar scene. Someone had hit an possum just enough to injure it (I assume). It was fluttering around the road when I drove by.
Same with this raccoon. It appeared both were injured to the point where it was likely better to end it. What this person (people?) did was admirable, but maybe a bit too much. I don't see this as a similar situation as my co-worker experienced recently. A dog >>> wild animals.
I remember hearing many moons ago that if you were driving and an animal runs out in the road, to not even try and swerve to miss it. I try to add to that by thinking that if you're casually cruising, you could likely slow down enough and stop to avoid it. But if I'm on the interstate, I just pray that all critters big and small stay out of the road.
Another week is done. Another project finished at work. I can't link to it yet, but I'll let the outdoors guru tell you himself.
Outside of that, it's been a pretty unproductive week. I had been hoping to take a day or two off to do some golfing and goofing off. Rain and work stopped that. But nothing will stop me next week.
So in the meantime, here's some various, insignificant items that I've done lately.
Doubt you can notice, but I edited the HTML of the blog template today. The middle column wasn't wide enough to hold YouTube videos. So I bumped it up a few pixels and now things look like they fit.
Speaking of the blog, I decided to check out all the reports generated by SiteMeter (located in the right column) and Google. The number of hits is low, which is expected because no one clicks here. Some of the referring pages was interesting. Here's a sampling.
- shortcuts.com: This is a coupon site. I'll say that it's not the greatest thing, but if they offered more coupons, it would be awesome. I talked about it here.
- joe gant ms football: Coach Gant was my football coach back at Weir. He's now the offensive coordinator, after sitting out a few years of retirement. Look up 'MS high school football winner' in the dictionary, and his picture is there. He took tiny Weir (a small 1A school) to the state championship game at least 7 times and won 5 of them. Flat out, the man could coach and win with a bunch of small-town boys. Where does he fit in my blog? Oh, I don't know.
- at&t roadside: Oh boy, what a night that was.
- tmbg widget: Linked to my They Might Be Giants concert report.
- There were a number of Google image links to this post about Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. ("Open it.")
I gotta give a special shoutout to one reader. Mariann, thank you for the tens of clicks. :)
Now if I can just get the Topiary back.
Speaking of getting stuff back, I'm trying to figure out why I can't post photos from my cell phone anymore. I took a couple recently and now, have no way of displaying them. This sucks.
I haven't posted about how much I'm glad my TV shows are back. Law and Order: SVU is ruling, as always. CSI:NY is kicking serious hind end. The Office, the greatest. Even Earl is picking things up. 30 Rock still rocks. And I still can't miss CSI: and Criminal Minds. Good stuff going on.
I'll end this here. I got some important stuff to get to. That PlayStation isn't going to play itself. Oh, be on the lookout for a post about JubileeJAM! coming Monday.
Posted by
1:24 PM
Labels: 30 Rock, Birdgirl, Criminal Minds, CSI:, golf, Harvey Birdman, Law And Order: SVU, My Name is Earl, PlayStation, The Office, They Might Be Giants, Weir football
By the time you read this, I will probably be neck deep in, uh, stuff at work.
So enjoy this video:
You know what I'm talking about.
Well, I'm talking about the Madison police, but couldn't find a picture. There were only two I saw tonight. One was parked in one of the usual "hiding" spots. The other was in a really good hiding spot. Couldn't see it until you got up on it.
First off, I'm a Kroger-maniac. It's the last store I pass on the way home from work. I've had a Kroger card for a long, long time. It's not the only store I've ever grocery shopped at, but it's the leader by far.
So I stop tonight to stock up on some of the basics. I even bust out the new reusable bags I bought a while back. Handy little things. Also wanted to try out a new coupon system I recently found out about.
My favorite amiga at work, Marcela, wrote about this site in her blog. It's a coupon site where you enter your store card info and can download coupons to it. And you know, it works. The selection of coupons is limited, but it works. I tried it out on some Hamburger Helper.
One reason I like Kroger is when you check out, they scan all your items, *then* hand them your Kroger card. I like watching the discounts being applied and the total price drop. Tonight's was a $13 drop.
As mentioned above, Kroger isn't the only place I will buy groceries. If needed or more convenient, I'll go to Wal-Mart. I'm not crazy about Wal-Mart, mostly because of the crowds at times and the service is usually bad for me. But the local Wal-Mart here has had one advantage for the longest time. It was the only store that had Ben & Jerry's Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream in stock. No other store carried it. I looked.
Well guess what Wal-Mart. My Kroger now has Americone Dream! WOOOOOO! WE DID IT! One less reason to go to Wal-Mart.
Unless I want some macaroni and cheese. You see, after overdosing on Everyday Italian some time ago, I got crazy and decided to buy something other than the basic mac and cheese mix. So I bought this brand of macaroni and gave it a shot. The mac and cheese recipe results in a dish that made me swear I would never, ever, buy any boxed version of mac and cheese again.
Up until recently, Kroger carried this brand of macaroni. Now apparently, they don't. They have other types of pasta from this company but not the macaroni. They have other brands of macaroni, but they aren't quite the same.
Wal-Mart carries the macaroni. So just when I thought I wouldn't have to step foot there again, they find a way to stick it to me.
Such is life, I guess. Work with what you're dealt.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some Americone Dream to enjoy.
Only this time, there's nothing to look forward to this weekend. It's just me and my sister's dog. Guess I could clean the house, get rid of some of this junk. Maybe then, I might find the cable to my camera and get some pictures uploaded. Oh well, enough of this boring crap, I gotta get ready for work.
So I'll leave you with this.
to be pretty fun, if you don't mind physical activity, getting wet and hot. I'd say it was a good sign of future events. Twelve teams participated today. Would have been more, but some dropped out before today. I think it's safe to say that it'll be a bit bigger next year.
I can't find my cable for my camera, so no pictures for a while. I'll try and get them up tomorrow. Now to relax for a while and let my skin cool off.
Who is Chu Yuan, you ask? Click here for a brief description and to see what I'm talking about. (more after the jump)
Tomorrow morning, I'll be at Old Trace Park real, real early. Too early, in fact. I hate waking up that early. But I agreed to do this, so I'll be there.
At first, it was a fun little thing to do. Wasn't expecting anything outrageous. We have a team here at work and we're looking forward to having a good time.
One hitch though. This thing requires physical activity. Ouch. A bunch of out-of-shape cube-dwellers are expected to row a boat across the Rez? Ha, I say.
Because of bad weather and other stuff, we haven't been able to have a team meeting. No big deal, right? Well, today (yes, today) we received a printout of techniques on how to row, how to sit, how to do all this dragon boat stuff. Ouch. Even worse, the one person set to give us tips on what to do will only be there for about a half hour in the morning. Yikes.
I think it's safe to say now that The Headliners (that's our name) will take part in a comedy of errors not seen since the Keystone Cops.
Pray for us.
Two events coming in the next few days are bearing down on me. One is something I'm looking forward to. This Saturday, it's the Madison County Chamber Dragon Boat Regatta. I'll be part of The Headliners, The Clarion-Ledger's team. The event starts real early that morning. I'm not a morning person. This will be fun. And by 'fun', I mean 'an adventure of physical and mental acumen that I haven't experienced in a long time'.
The other event? Well ...
Thursday marks another year closer to dea^H^H^Hsince I entered this world. I'm thinking of angling toward a new kitchen appliance (I've gotten on a cooking frenzy). At the very least, I'll get my parents to treat me to some Hamil's. Mmmmmm, all-you-can-eat buffet.
age is just a number
age is just a number
age is just a number
age is just a number
age is just a number
all work and no play, uh, I mean age is just a number
I'm at home after a looooong work week and I'm munching down on one of these:
FYI, the chocolate rabbit doesn't look like the package rabbit.
Of this list, I would likely get the worst starter and worst food. Yes, I would split them with friends and take home whatever is left.
Yay! Also, here's an interview.
I got to see them perform during their final tour together. Awesome show. It was in Memphis at the Beale Street Music Festival. Only thing that dampened the mood was the rain the days before creating all that mud.
According to their tour listing, Dallas might be the closest to here. That sucks. I'd really like to see them again.
I could blame work for my lack of posting, but that would only be half true. Apathy is more like it. But just like last time, I said I was going to pick things up and really go for the gusto. Let's see if I can do it. Here goes.
Well, it is true that work has been busy lately. Have to admit, that's about all I do. Go to work, come home, watch TV, go to sleep. Exciting life, huh?
Had a chance to go to the Crossroads Film Festival, or at least some of the activities. Wasn't exactly sure what goes on there, so I will use that as my excuse for not going.
A couple of upcoming events will keep me occupied. And give me material to post.
First, on 4/12 is the Run From The Sun. A couple of co-workers started this event five years ago. I'm planning on volunteering, not running. I'll leave the running part to the people that are in shape, not in a shape.
Then, on 4/19, the Dragon Boat Regatta takes place on the Rez. The C-L is participating in the race. I agreed to be part of the team. That means a lot of stroking. With a paddle.
There's something else coming up, but I won't get into that now. It'll be a surprise.
Yep, it's March Madness time. Brackets galore. Looking for upsets. Hoping your team does well.
State made the tourney. #8 seed, facing #9 Oregon in the first round. Winner faces #1 Memphis. I've filled out my brackets. Yes, plural. One as a 'hopeful', one as more of a 'legit'.
My legit picks have State beating Oregon and losing to Memphis. My hopeful picks? Well, there's a reason I call them hopeful. I have State going to the Final Four. Even more hopeful, I have them beating UCLA to face North Carolina in the title game. Yep, Hansbrough v. Hansbrough. My hopefulness ran out there. big bro gets the better of Ben this time.
So who do you got?
This Saturday is the Mal's St. Paddy's Day Parade. It's a big event here. Lots of people come to town for this. But, I have a confession to make.
I've never been to one.
I was hoping to go last year, but just didn't. I'm hoping to go this year. Only downside is that most of my friends are going to be tied up with a church Easter show this weekend. And hopefully State will be playing basketball Saturday.
Still, I'm going to at least try to go this year. Maybe.
We've been puppysitting this week for our grandmother. His name is Bear. Part Blue Healer, part Chow. His feet are like tree trunks. And like any puppy, he's full of energy. Bouncing around, wanting to play. He's so cute.
Only downside is that my sister's dog is acting like a spoiled prima-donna diva. She won't play with him. We figured she would go crazy with the playing part. But no. She tries to avoid him. Won't stay outside for anything. Spoiled brat. So I just leave her inside when I go out to play with Bear. I like seeing her looking out the window at us playing.
Unfortunately, I can't get any pictures posted yet. I'll try again later. (stupid cell phone)
Just got back from Hal & Mal's where I saw They Might Be Giants perform. Before the concert review, I need to tell the back story of how I came to attending this show.
Earlier in the week, I was scanning online, trying to find out info on any bands coming to the area for the upcoming music festivals. There, I saw TMBG listed as playing in town. Wha? Really?
So I went and asked one of the editors of the C-L's Weekend section. She tells me about the interview one of our reporters had with them. I was getting a little more excited.
Now, I know who TMBG are. I can name maybe four songs of theirs, though. I admit, I'm not an uber-fan. I know of them. I know they are different. Their songs I know are their more popular ones. But still, I wanted to check them out live.
And I'm glad I did. That show rocked! Although, I have one minor complaint. They didn't play one of the few songs I know: "Don't Let's Start". But still, it rocked!
It took them 25 years to come to Mississippi. They hope it doesn't take another 25 to come back. Neither do I. I'll be there if/when they come back. And I'm sure others will as well.
Very cold. A little of this white stuff they call "snow" is covering parts of the neighborhood. Did I mention that it's cold?
Now to hope and pray that the roads between here and Starkville are clear enough to drive. Got tickets to the season finale at The Hump. It's C-Rhodes' last home game. I expect much un-bagness.
I also expect to eat too many cheese sticks.
Great Britain is Repossessing the U.S.A.
A Message from John Cleese
To the citizens of the United States of America:
In light of your failure to nominate competent candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately.
Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (except Kansas, which she does not fancy).
Your new prime minister, Gordon Brown, will appoint a governor for America without the need for further elections.
Congress and the Senate will be disbanded.
A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed.
To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the following rules are introduced with immediate effect:
You should look up "revocation" in the Oxford English Dictionary.
1. Then look up aluminium, and check the pronunciation guide. You will be amazed at just how wrongly you have been pronouncing it.
2. The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as 'favour' and 'neighbour.' Likewise, you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping half the letters and the suffix -ize will be replaced by the suffix -ise. Generally, you will be expected to raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels. (Look up 'vocabulary').
3. Using the same twenty-seven words interspersed with filler noises such as "like" and "you know" is an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication. There is no such thing as US English. We will let Microsoft know on your behalf. The Microsoft spell- checker will be adjusted to take account of the reinstated letter 'u' and the elimination of -ize. You will relearn your original national anthem, God Save the Queen.
4. July 4th will no longer be celebrated as a holiday.
5. You will learn to resolve personal issues without using guns, lawyers, or therapists. The fact that you need so many lawyers and therapists shows that you're not adult enough to be independent. Guns should only be handled by adults. If you're not adult enough to sort things out without suing someone or speaking to a therapist then you're not grown up enough to handle a gun.
6. Therefore, you will no longer be allowed to own or carry anything more dangerous than a vegetable peeler. A permit will be required if you wish to carry a vegetable peeler in public.
7. All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap and this is for your own good. When we show you German cars, you will understand what we mean.
8. All intersections will be replaced with roundabouts, and you will start driving on the left with immediate effect. At the same time, you will go metric with immediate effect and without the benefit of conversion tables. Both roundabouts and metrication will help you understand the British sense of humour.
9. The Former USA will adopt UK prices on petrol (which you have been calling gasoline)-roughly $6/US gallon. Get used to it.
10. You will learn to make real chips. Those things you call French fries are not real chips, and those things you insist on calling potato chips are properly called crisps. Real chips are thick cut, fried in animal fat, and dressed not with catsup but with vinegar.
11. The cold tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer is not actually beer at all. Henceforth, only proper British Bitter will be referred to as beer, and European brews of known and accepted provenance will be referred to as Lager. South African beer is also acceptable as they are pound for pound the greatest sporting Nation on earth and it can only be due to the beer. They are also part of British Commonwealth - see what it did for them.
12. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as good guys. Hollywood will also be required to cast English actors to play English characters. Watching Andie McDowell attempt English dialogue in Four Weddings and a Funeral was an experience akin to having one's ears removed with a cheese grater.
13. You will cease playing American football. There is only one kind of proper football; you call it soccer. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play rugby (which has some similarities to American football, but does not involve stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full Kevlar body armour like a bunch of nancies). Don't try Rugby - the South Africans and Kiwis will thrash you, like they regularly thrash us.
14. Further, you will stop playing baseball. It is not reasonable to host an event called the World Series for a game which is not played outside of America. Since only 2.1% of you are aware that there is a world beyond your borders, your error is understandable. You will learn cricket, and we will let you face the South Africans first to take the sting out of their deliveries.
15. You must tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us mad.
16. An internal revenue agent (i.e. tax collector) from Her Majesty's Government will be with you shortly to ensure the acquisition of all monies due (backdated to 1776).
17. Daily Tea Time begins promptly at 4 pm with proper cups, never mugs, with high quality biscuits (cookies) and cakes; strawberries in season.
God Save the Queen.
Only He can.
John Cleese