Sunday, October 12, 2008

Baby Wee Wee

Oh my.


Roz said...

Andy these google ads are getting on my damn nerves!! they pop up everywhere...also I had a little doll when I was little that my aunt Betty special ordered for me and it was complet with penis and tesicals size appropreiate for the doll. I begged for this doll because I wanted a baby that was anatomically was the cuttiest baby I ever had and my aunt still has it. she kept it for me all these years...

Roz said...

And I think I know who you are..did you live on Dunbar a long time ago?? I swear we were neighbors but maybe not.

Andy said...

Yeah, I need to ctrl-alt-del my blog and start anew.

And sorry, I'm fairly certain you don't me. Heck, I have no idea who you are, other than another blog that Sandi showed me. Don't know what Dunbar is, so that might answer that.

Roz said...

Ok then I don't know you ...sorry..thought you were someone i went to highschool with...