Friday, August 8, 2008

Things I love about my job

And by 'love', I mean 'hate so much that I want to punch kittens'.

This super project I've been working on for the past couple of months is coming up in a short time. I would have said that I was 97% complete. The guy that could finish the remaining 3% has been on vacation.

Then I decide, for some crazy reason, to test my work again. Why would I want to test something that is for all intents and purposes finished?

If I hadn't have tested my stuff when I did, I wouldn't have noticed that the vendor had changed the output format without any notice. That means my code didn't work as well. I went from 97% to about 75% like that.

Thank God I get paid overtime.

1 comment:

Miss Mud Puddle said...

That's a big change! But the punching kittens may help!