Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ha ha, I'm old

This weekend was homecoming at MSU. That meant football mostly. Except this year, I decided to go back in time and visit the old fraternity chapter. Homecoming weekend is the big alumni event: Pig Pickin'. Smoked pig, fixin's, drinks, good times.

Everyone is blaming the late kickoff for the lower attendance. I think it had a part to play in it. They split the day in two, a lunch gathering and then the main event after the game. I got there that afternoon for at least a sammich before heading on campus. Found out that one alumni couple from before I joined had been there. Got to talk with some of the current members. Then the game and back for round two.

I kept thinking to myself, 'self, is there going to anyone there you know'? Then I told myself to shut up.

Well, turns out there wasn't anyone there I knew. The members I met earlier don't really count. But still, a good time was had. Got to chat with some members and pledges. Even did a little educating on the past. (no tales of uphill snow-walking though)

And did I mention the food? You can't beat pulled pork. The bonfire was nice and toasty on a cool night.

I had missed the last few, probably because I thought us old farts didn't need to show up. Then I realized last night, that this event was made specifically for us old farts. Next year, I'm going again. I'll even try to convince a few more old farts to go.

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