We go from the Sonic Boom of the South to a bluegrass band. Only at MSU.
(More ...)
One guy's quest to make ends meet.
30 minutes until kickoff. The bands just had a Thriller-off. It's safe to say that JSU won the battle. Let
Yeah, that title will put butts in the seats.
With the almost constant rain we've had for the past few weeks and work beating me down like a rented mule, I needed to get out and do something. So I did just that today.
I've suspected this for the longest time, and recent events have cemented my idea. Here's a fool-proof way to earn some serious cash.
Is using the toilet *and* the shower too much trouble for you? Then follow the advice of this Brazilian public service announcement. I have no idea what they are saying, but just follow the cartoon-y things:
Today is state tax holiday. Daddy needs some new dress shoes and clothes. But first, nourishment. Lenny's Sub Shop
Or more accurately, a non-wrestling post. There used to be a time when I would freak out if I had missed any of the eleventeen wrestling shows that used to come on back in the day. For the handful of RSPW brahs that may see this, back when the newsgroup was worth a damn, I would spend most of my free time browsing around reading any bit of news I could find.
After a week of staying at a couple's house, I get to sleep in my own bed tonight. Had the evening planned out. My friends got back in town this afternoon. I could likely leave work a little earlier to head to their place, catch up, pick up my stuff and all that friend stuff.
That could have happened.
Prepare thyself, for today is free sweet tea day at McCalisters. The streets will flow with ... Uh, never mind.
W00T! Free
Man, there are a lot of nerds here. Haven't seen this many kids dress up like this since, well, since these same kids dr
One of my co-workers and an online buddy are really into riding their bikes. As in, almost every day.
Me? Not so much, but I am hoping to get into a habit of riding more often. Today could be that first step.
I've had this bike for a number of years now. At least 7 years, maybe more. I know, I know. I just can't recall which apartment I was living in when I bought it.
I'll state for the record now that I have never been a steady rider. Mostly casual riding whenever I felt like it. There was a time I would get with a friend and her family and go riding on the trails here.
But as with most things, it got put aside, I got lazy and forgot about it. When my sister and I moved into this house, I did ride around the neighborhood on occasion. But again, lazy, forgetful, it was left sitting against the garage wall collecting dust and whatnot.
Well, more talk lately from different people and the final realization that I need to do it led me to dust the ol' bike off today. I went around the neighborhood for a while. About 30 minutes. I waited until later in the evening when it was only mildly hot.
Status report: the tires still hold air, still rides good (did hit it with WD-40 just in case) and my butt was not prepared. The feeling has come back now. I couldn't tell you how many miles I rode or calories burned. I can only say that I sweated and felt the burn in my legs.
It might be next weekend before I get back on it, but I'll do my best to make sure I do.
Now to resist the urge to fry up some cheese sticks.
Lately, I would have a little overtime accumulated during the week. Which means that I could work a shorter Friday. Today was no exception. I had some extra time from the previous days and my plan was to leave work a little earlier.
Isn't there some saying about "the best laid plans ..."?
I had to take care of a few little tasks. On the surface, no big deal. Which is probably why I underestimated them and put them off during the day.
Well, when it comes time to work on these tasks, nothing goes as planned. A piece of code that I wrote probably over a year ago wasn't working. Why was it not working? That's still a mystery. The code is fine. It's been working each and every time it's been used over that year or so. The system that controls the code wasn't executing it properly. Why? Completely baffled on that one. Even the tech help that controls the system was baffled. And all that was needed was to display an image on a web page.
Then I had to make sure that some articles appeared on the site. Again, simple enough task. Only it's not so simple when there are no articles. Had to go through the whole process of finding/sending/editing/editing again. Takes a while.
But hey, at least I get paid overtime.
Oh, the title of this post. Yeah, you see, when I finally left work, what I wanted to do was go somewhere and drink. That's not exactly the best idea when it's just me and I'm not in a happy mood. So I decided to just head home, find some food and watch TV.
Until I got to the Madison exit. Driving past Malco, I decided that what I needed was to let loose in a way. So I pulled up and went to go see 'The Hangover'.
I can't think of the words to describe how funny this movie is. It's not 'check your brain at the door' funny. It's just flat out great.
I'm in a better mood now. If I could only have a night kinda like those guys had. Kinda.
Thanks to ample free time on the couch in front of the TV, I've found two new shows that have earned record status on the DVR.
The first is Man vs. Cartoon on truTV. The concept is simple. Engineers are trying to recreate Wile E. Coyote's attempts to capture the RoadRunner. How can this be anything but awesome? And that's what it is: awesome. The show comes on Saturday nights (which means I can watch it live).
The other super awesome show that I've recently discovered is the International Sexy Ladies Show on G4. Do I really need to describe this to you? It's a show. It plays clips from other nations. It shows sexy ladies. This is the kind of show Al Bundy would approve of.
Thank you.
Thank you for finding new and entertaining (well, to you) ways to be the Lucy to my Charlie Brown.
All I want is to kick the football. Just once.
Good grief.
that makes you feel like the dude that crossed The Joker and a pencil?
Yeah, right about now, I'm that dude. In the same continuous loop.
Tiger Woods '07. So far, the digital version of my golf game is similar to the real version of my golf game. Both are very, very frustrating.
But I can't wait to get back out on a real golf course and play a round.
So I'm looking at my various RSS feeds. I've got everything from friends' blogs to LOL sites. One site is called ROFLrazzi. If you've seen the LOLcats, it's the same thing. Pictures of celebrities and "celebrities" with funny captions on them.
Below is a photo from the current feed that shows two complete opposites. One makes you drool. The other, not so much.
I want to test the strength of those straps. And by 'test the strength of', I mean 'remove'. Then I'll use the straps to tie the two skeletons to the space shuttle.
Just stumbled across this and may have found a way to kill some time here at work.
Yeah, another post about this. Get over it. This is my blog.
First off, damn. I mean, just damn. I'm talking about pairings like this and the reason that site exists: hot chick and a douchebag. Yes, there's also another pairing there that deserves a damn.
I saw this on their site. Apparently, there is a show about such travesties of nature.
The photo further down this entry is of something I saw today that makes me chuckle.
We've gotten some pretty strong thunderstorms the past couple of days. Lots of rain late last night and today in the metro area.
Which is why I chuckle every time I see some place running their sprinklers during a thunderstorm. Yeah, I realize they could be set on a timer and all that, but still, gets me every time.
And that's not the worst. Seeing sprinklers at a nearby neighborhood going on the day Katrina hit was the high point for me. Again, I realize the auto timer and all that, but wouldn't it make sense to say "hey, it's gonna rain, let's turn them off"?
So far, have not seen anything like this:
see more pwn and owned pictures
Earlier tonight, Chevelle rocked at Fire. When the show was announced, I planned on going. This had the potential to be good.
And it was. Someone told me before it started that those three guys put out more noise than most bands. He wasn't exaggerating. It was loud. It rocked.
And I got to see it for free. w00t!
Metromix.com, the entertainment provider for the C-L, has a nice relationship with Club Fire. I had asked folks at work if I could be able to get in with a staff pass. They said I likely could.
And I did. Though next time, they need to have my name in advance.
Still, can't be seeing a kick-ass show for free.
I'm in the money! I'm in the money!
What am I talking about? I'm about to get paid!
I know you're saying "But wait idiot. I know where you work and what you do. How are you all of a sudden going to get money?"
Simple. Cousin Barack.
See? Facebook says we're cousins. Choke on that suckers! I'm about to get my money! HA HA! Everyone at work can kiss my hairy ...
What? You mean other people have gotten the same thing. It's some sort of spam junk.
Ahem. As I was saying, the wonderful managers at my place of employment could not be any greater. I am truly blessed to be part of such a fine company. I look forward to doing their bidding for many, many years to come.
Thank you.
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got something in my eye.
Seriously? This is legit?
From the official Stooges site.
I saw this earlier on Yahoo and it read as if these actors were rumored to be starring as The Three Stooges. I showed a co-worker and he said the whole thing was a bad idea. Don't crap on the Stooges legacy. Plus, Hollywood has no more original ideas, but that's another rant.
As for the selections, I could maybe see Jim Carey as Curly. The mannerisms, if he tones it down a bit. The look? Nah, you probably need someone portly to be authentic. The article says he's going to put on some pounds to play the role, but I still have trouble seeing it.
Sean Penn? As Larry? He better do a phenomenal job after stealing the Oscar from Mickey Rourke.
Benicio Del Toro as Moe? The look, maybe. The acting? I have no clue.
This is setting up to be one end of the spectrum or the other. It's either going to be the most awesome thing ever or it's going to suck big time. I can't see any middle ground here.
Still, I'll likely go see it.
Yeah, I've already had my gripe session about this weekend. Get ready, 'cause I just need to vent again.
I'm really looking forward to the weekend in Memphis. Get to see friends I hadn't seen in years. Get to take an extended weekend. Get to go out of town. All things that I'm looking forward to.
I really really really wanted to make the parade this year. A chance to hang out with friends, drink some beers and have fun. This year would have been extra fun because I would get to be part of a parade float.
Things just didn't work out for me. There are other events coming up that I'm hoping I can work extra for. Plus, there's only 365 more days until the next parade.
Regardless, Memphis, here I come.
First off, let's get this out of the way. I am not a comic nerd. Don't come crying to me about how certain things weren't accurate to the comic or anything like that. I don't care.
In fact, I'll go one step further. I had never heard of the Watchmen until seeing the trailer posted on a message board. The comic geeks there were going crazy. I was 'meh', but this does look cool.
And it was. Since seeing the trailer, I have found out that this is based on a graphic novel. Supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, if you listen to the geeks.
Since I had never heard of it, I was just going to see what looked like an awesome action movie.
I'm not going to say I followed the story well. Probably couldn't repeat much of it now. Though I will say that it was interesting. A mystery to figure out, but more of the movie was setting up the story behind the mystery. At least, I think so. Again, no idea about the origins of this. I'm learning on the fly.
The movie was a really good popcorn, action movie, in my humble opinion. I might can be talked into seeing it again.
Some time ago, I got on a Good Eats kick. A few times, I would try to make something that was featured on the show. A couple of examples, ribs and jerky. The jerky turned out good. The ribs were ok, mostly because it was the first time and I didn't have proper cooking utensils.
One theme Alton has done is 'pantry raid', where he takes various items from the fridge and pantry and whips up interesting concoctions. Today, I tried my own version.
Got some deer meat in the freezer, one pack of sausage and some burger meat. Recently, I cooked up a helping of the burger meat and made patties. Good, no doubt. Had a couple left over so they went in the fridge.
Today, I decided to use those two patties, but I didn't want burgers. So I thought I'd chop them up and throw them in a skillet to heat them up.
Wait a second, I've got various items in the cabinet that could be used to flavor the meat. Yeah, let's try this.
So here's what I did: a little Worcestershire sauce, pinch of salt, a dab of liquid smoke, squirt of honey and some old bay seasoning. Didn't measure, but I'd guess about a tablespoon or three of the combined mix was made. (side note: the Worcestershire sauce was homemade, but that's another story)
Poured the mix over the chopped up deer burger and let it sit for about an hour (couldn't wait, I was hungry). Medium heat on the skillet and cooked until it looked done.
I have to say, not bad for a quirky experiment.
There's always something. Whenever I get an invite or am asked to take part in something really cool, there's always something that happens that cancels those plans.
Before I start my latest sob story, a recap of how we got here:
It'll be 10 years since I moved to Jackson come April. In those 10 years, there's one event that I've never experienced: Mal's St. Paddy's Day Parade. The first few years I was here, hadn't even heard of the parade. Then when I got my job at the paper, I saw the coverage it was getting. This looked cool.
Unfortunately, for the first few years, I wasn't able to go because I worked the graveyard shift and on weekends. There's no way to make a Saturday morning-into-the-afternoon event when you've been working all night Friday and have to work Saturday night as well. At least I had the pictures to look at while I was at work those nights.
A couple of years ago, my work schedule changed from nights to afternoons and a normal M-F week. Yay! I had Saturday's free!
But that still didn't help much, since I didn't know anyone that was going to the parade. Goes back to the whole 'I never get invited to the cool things' part of my life.
So after missing last year's parade, I vow to not miss another one. This year's parade is on March 21st. Not only was I planning on going, I was invited to be part of a float. That's right. My first parade experience was going to be walking the route handing out beads.
Now for the flip side of this story. The latter part of last year, I got a letter from my fraternity chapter at MSU. It was about the upcoming reunion party. Side note: the letter mentioned another reunion party some five years ago, but I don't recall getting that invite. I did get this one, so I thought this would be great. A chance to see old friends I hadn't seen in years.
I fill out the form, mail it in with my check and then start catching up with some of my brothers, mostly through FaceBook. Most of them had also gotten the invite and were thinking of going. Then once more people got to talking about it, the more interest there was.
This was turning out great. A chance to get away for a weekend, see some old friends. Awesome.
Recently, I made sure that I had those days off from work. No problem there. Then I was told about the chance to be part of a parade float. Sweet. This was going to be cool: reunion party one weekend, parade the next.
Until I looked at the reunion letter again last night and noticed that it's on the same weekend as the parade. Are you kidding me?!?!
Just like most other days in my life, as soon as it appears I might have good things come my way, there's the unforgiving kick right to the crotch. Such is my life.
Came across this from a sports message board of all places. Unknown is the voice of Early Cuyler, lead role on The Squidbillies, one of the most awesomest shows on A-dult Swim. Apparently, Unknown is the king of the country western troubadours.
Sadly, I had not heard of Unknown until now. Here's one of his videos, saying what many red-blooded American men like me are thinking.
Click more to see the video.
Came across this photo while browsing around tonight:
After a lot of searching, found what I think is the ad company that created this. Link is here. I should point out that there is a picture with female breasts, so hide the children.
I think the Heinz Baked Beans is the best.
So I'm going to a 70's-themed party tonight. The name of it and everyone else is talking/thinking disco. Well guess what, there were other things in the 70's besides that crap. Of course I'm talking about ...
That's right. 'Smokey and the Bandit'. I can't pull off the Bandit, but I sure can come close enough to be Snowman. All I'm missing is the authentic trucker cap. Can't find my grandfather's old ones. So I'll use one that could resemble a cap Jerry Reed would wear.
Boy, I'm going to stick out like a bonnet on Fred.
but there's not much to say. Things are just the same. Go to work, bust my butt for minimal pay. Come home and goof off on the computer or watch TV. Social life is almost non-existent, though there is hope of that picking up.
So there you go. My life in a nice, neat blog post.
Carry on.
I might not have completely wasted my week off, but I came close. Watched football, sat around the house, pretty much slummed.
At least I went out for New Year's Eve. I even have a picture.
It was taken here. First time I've been to an actual party like this. Sad, I know.
It was fun, though. The band could have been better. The smoky atmosphere could have disappeared. The free beer could have lasted longer. Still, we were there until closing time and didn't realize it. Then stopped by some co-workers' apartment for another hour. So yeah, NYE night, I had a blast.
Now it's time to prepare for work again. This won't be fun. I can just tell I'll have piles of requests waiting for me. Stuff that could have been done by someone else while I was out. But work wouldn't be the same if it didn't happen that way.
Oh, and maybe at some point I'll get some pictures posted and maybe redesign this blog. Gotta keep my reader(s?) happy.