Friday, July 24, 2009

I would say I'm surprised, but I know better.

After a week of staying at a couple's house, I get to sleep in my own bed tonight. Had the evening planned out. My friends got back in town this afternoon. I could likely leave work a little earlier to head to their place, catch up, pick up my stuff and all that friend stuff.

That could have happened.

Instead, the new site I was trying to roll out wasn't cooperating. It took an hour just to see the changes on one page. That's not counting the other few hours spent copying and pasting, copying and pasting, copying and pasting, all because the sub sections couldn't use the generic template.

So after a few texts back and forth, I let them know that I couldn't make it to their house until the next day. No problem there.

My sister lets me know that I might need to feed her dog. Again, should be no problem. I've done that many times when she decides not to come home. (evil stare)

Oh, but tonight was different. Tonight, the dog left a nice present in the kitchen. A nice present that I had to clean up.

Let's just say that the smell is slowly dissipating.

Needless to say, this sent me off into a state of pissed off I haven't experienced in a while. There isn't proper verbiage in the human language to describe how pissed off I am. There isn't proper reward that can be given to me to make me feel better after this.

I would say I'm surprised, but I know better. Cue Ralph Edwards.

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