Monday, July 27, 2009

A wrestling post

Or more accurately, a non-wrestling post. There used to be a time when I would freak out if I had missed any of the eleventeen wrestling shows that used to come on back in the day. For the handful of RSPW brahs that may see this, back when the newsgroup was worth a damn, I would spend most of my free time browsing around reading any bit of news I could find.

Something happened along the way. Either I grew up or the sport hit a stretch where it really really sucked (as well as Test). I don't know when the exact moment was, but there came a time when I didn't watch a single show. The DVR never got set to record anything wrestling related.

I will admit, I got sucked back in briefly for the return of Jericho. And when TNA was starting to become bigger, they had me hooked. I would record TNA whenever I could (Thursday night prime time > TNA), and if I happened to miss a show, go online to find out what happened.

WWE, not so much. Never got back into it. Guess it was the lack of Jericho. Though their Saturday night show RAW AM has kinda gotten my attention lately. Mostly because it's on when I'm trying to sleep.

I guess it's just the wrestling cycle that has hit me and I'm in a downward stretch now. Haven't seen a lick of WWE or TNA in the last month or so. Couldn't tell you anything about either company right now. There's nowhere online to go to get results, though I'm sure I'll get a couple of responses on that.

It's strange. In a way, I'm a bit upset that I haven't been keeping up more with what's going on in the squared circle. On the other hand, I get to thinking that I don't need to care that much and just go on with my business.

Personally, I blame HHH.

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