Saturday, March 7, 2009

I watched the Watchmen

First off, let's get this out of the way. I am not a comic nerd. Don't come crying to me about how certain things weren't accurate to the comic or anything like that. I don't care.

In fact, I'll go one step further. I had never heard of the Watchmen until seeing the trailer posted on a message board. The comic geeks there were going crazy. I was 'meh', but this does look cool.

And it was. Since seeing the trailer, I have found out that this is based on a graphic novel. Supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, if you listen to the geeks.

Since I had never heard of it, I was just going to see what looked like an awesome action movie.

I'm not going to say I followed the story well. Probably couldn't repeat much of it now. Though I will say that it was interesting. A mystery to figure out, but more of the movie was setting up the story behind the mystery. At least, I think so. Again, no idea about the origins of this. I'm learning on the fly.

The movie was a really good popcorn, action movie, in my humble opinion. I might can be talked into seeing it again.

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