Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's like ra-i-ain

The photo further down this entry is of something I saw today that makes me chuckle.

We've gotten some pretty strong thunderstorms the past couple of days. Lots of rain late last night and today in the metro area.

One of the things that make me chuckle: on Twitpic

Which is why I chuckle every time I see some place running their sprinklers during a thunderstorm. Yeah, I realize they could be set on a timer and all that, but still, gets me every time.

And that's not the worst. Seeing sprinklers at a nearby neighborhood going on the day Katrina hit was the high point for me. Again, I realize the auto timer and all that, but wouldn't it make sense to say "hey, it's gonna rain, let's turn them off"?

So far, have not seen anything like this:

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