Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Things I hate - traffic division

1. Timed traffic lights. What's the point of sitting at a red light when you are the only vehicle on the road? I'm looking at you, city of Madison.

2. People that don't signal when changing lanes.

2a. People that don't signal when changing lanes while cutting in front of my by a foot.

3. The douchebag that stopped on the entrance ramp to the interstate the other night, then flew like a bat out of hell passing me just a short ways up the road. Douche on, douche.

4. People that tailgate me for a half mile or so on the interstate, then move over a lane and pass after another half mile, then move back into the same lane by cutting me off by a foot.

That's all, until some other douche does something stupid on the road that pisses me off.

1 comment:

vhdawg said...

I'll see your idiots and raise you the old man riding his bicycle this morning westbound on Jackson Street along the stripe between the two westbound lanes.