Saturday, September 15, 2007

Live from Montgomery,

It's blogging for the heck of it.

Let's see, picks:

no I-AA teams
Auburn (close one, a la Georgia last year)

Sorry I forgot about picking Weir. The C-L predicted a close game. It wasn't. Weir's rolling, baby. Look out south 1A.

From my parents, gator hunting is like Appalachian State. They went to the gator weigh-in last night and saw an 8-footer that was caught near our house. Sweet. They also said that a near 12-footer was caught. I hope they took pics.

Here's hoping there's plenty of food at the tailgates. And that we make it to the tailgates.


Supermom said...

please, please, please be right about TN. Not that I'm a TN fan per se; I'm just for ANY team currently playing FL.

Christy said...

YAAAAY Go State! Did you see that game?!?!

WTH.. I know the answer to that.

vhdawg said...

Andy was AT that game. If he'd been sitting with his friends in the 2nd half, he might would even have been on TV.

Andy said...

Like I said, if me not getting on TV means victory, then so be it. Besides, imagine the pandelerium if I had been on TV. Girls swooning all over the place. Jealous boyfriends/husbands.

And sorry Super Mom. My picking is teh s uck.