Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The writer's strike

If you haven't heard, TV writers in Hollywood and New York are picketing. (links) They want to get paid.

Fine with me. Everyone deserves to get paid what they are worth. I'll stop that thought right now before I get tasered.

The immediate impact of the strike is that late night talk shows have to show reruns. No one to write material, no show. While I don't watch late night TV like in the past, I do watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. They are affected as well. So no truthiness for a while.

In the near future, sitcoms and dramas will be affected big time. Reports are coming out that shows like The Office may end their season early. Such a shame to deny people their weekly dose of Dwight K. Schrute.

My Name Is Earl would also be affected. Though personally, while I like the show, it seems like the writers have already gone on strike. Something just doesn't seem right about this season.

What's really going to get me is cutting Heroes short. I read somewhere that the producer will likely rewrite the ending of an upcoming episode and make that the season finale. The way Heroes is setup, the first half of the season is one storyline which leads into the second half for a new storyline. Cutting off mid-story will be a major buzz kill. Plus, there's been talk of a spin-off show that would describe how people got their powers. Now it's being canceled.

And I won't even try to explain what a Mariska Hargitay withdrawal will do to me.

But there is one solution to all this. More reality shows. And there would be one result to this solution. More PlayStation time for me.

Dear executives, PAY YOUR EMPLOYEES. (ouch)


Webmaster said...

maybe it'll encourage people to read books.
(i know, i know...)

Andy said...

Well, Chris Jericho's book is on bookshelves now.

(he's a wrestler)

(i know, i know ...)