Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Not dead yet

But I sure do feel like it.

Been extremely busy at work and trying to come back to reality outside of it. Spent all day Saturday in Starkville. Nothing major happened. (17-12)

Was finally able to catch up on some TV watching.

- Last week's South Park was about Guitar Hero.

- The CSI:/Without A Trace combo case was pretty good. Never watched Without A Trace before. Doubt that this will get me to start watching it now, but the combo was a nice touch.

- Law & Order: SVU. Thank you WLBT for replaying it. I still can't figure out why election results are more important than my dose of Liv.

- I think my sister deleted Criminal Minds before I could watch it.

- Said it before, but Earl just doesn't seem the same now as it used to.

- The Office continues to rule the TV world.

- While I still like CSI:, CSI:NY is much better than the original.

- Heroes. Still rules. That is all.

- And I end the TV listings on a sad note. I noticed on Yahoo! yesterday that one of their must-see shows this week was a new SpongeBob Squarepants special. I didn't know about it. Now, I'm hoping to catch a repeat.

Yes, I used to watch SpongeBob regularly. FINLAND!

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