A new year is coming. Time for some changes. Hopefully, starting tonight.
(More ...)
One guy's quest to make ends meet.
Your latest batch of commercials suck. They suck hard. Worse than that new Keystone Light commercial that sucks.
You turn Santa Claus from a lovable, jolly guy into a douchebag. Way to kill the dreams of all the children in the world. "Yes she is!" What a choad!
And the Lost parody one, that one sucks so many ways, we have to come up with a new word to describe how hard it sucks. I can't fathom that much suck, so let's just say it sucks really, really hard.
First, you have someone devise a computer-like device to gain internet access. An amazing feat on a remote island. One survivor howls in excitement that they have a connection. Now they can call for he... Wait, what is ass-face doing? Why, he's using this opportunity to secure a credit card that he will use on A DESERTED ISLAND! Then, to everyone's amazement, he continues applying for a credit card instead of contacting help. I don't even want to know how he had access to a photo of himself from who knows how long ago.
And this photo and the event it leads to creates all sorts of ass-sucking suckiness. The photo is of ass-clown with a huge cheeseburger. One of the starving, delirious, BEEN STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG survivors sees a cheeseburger and lunges forward. This breaks the make-shift monitor.
I hope the alternate version of this commercial shows the non-asshole survivors forcing ass-face to repair the computer and connection, then bash his skull in and cook him over an open fire.
Yeah, this is what happens when I have too much free time.
There are new commercials out now from Keystone Light beer. The idea behind the commercials is that some guys aren't smooth, especially around women. No shocker there. I resemble that remark.
The commercial I don't like shows the girlfriend running into the guy at the store. She thought he was taking care of Grandma. He is, while he's at the store with a case of beer in his hand. Then one by one, the rest of the gang shows up with chips, more beer, etc.
Never mind the beer (or lack thereof), what kind of moron ditches a chance to be with the hot woman to hang with the guys?
Watch the commercial here (it's the second one, with the blond cutie).
MSU has a new football coach. Dan Mullen, the former offensive coordinator for the Florida Gators. You know, the same Florida team that beat down Alabama. The same team that is going to battle for the championship. He might not be the guy responsible for all that, but he's the co-guy.
He's been coaching with Urban Meyer for his entire career. They go way back. Well, as way back as you can go for a 36 year old. Yeah, he's only a few years older than me. Odd.
By all accounts, he's a good one. Will he have MSU winning right off the bat? Probably not, but he's not going to coast along for a few years then decide to start working.
Along the same lines, MSU's new Athletic Director is a breath of fresh air. He's also 36 (I believe) and a real personable guy. I have a chance to meet and talk with him a number of times over the years. It's unreal what he's gotten accomplished in the few months he's been in charge.
Man, I can't wait for football season.
Finally. A work week from Hades is over. It was one that was sad and painful. More cuts had to be made. Some hard ones to take. I hate to sound like this, but considering the amount of work I've got ahead of me, I really wasn't paying much attention to it. It sucks, no doubt. Hopefully things can start picking up here soon.
Tonight starts the high school championship games. Weir would be playing today, if not for stumbling to Stringer in the first round. Crap.
Meridian and South Panola play for the 5A title. That should be a good game. I wish I could go. That is, I wish I knew someone at work had put my name down as one that is allowed in at no cost.
I've been trying to get caught up on my TV watching. It's taken a while, but I'm getting closer. Still can't find episode 2 of CSI: anywhere.
Also been trying to keep up with my blogging buddies. I noticed just before I started this post that Pink has finally posted something. Yay! My life has meaning aGAIN.
That's all for now. Exciting stuff, huh?